Rabbit Loves Dancing On Bed, So Parents Record Routine And Call Him ‘Billy The Bodacious Bunny’


I’ve never had a pet rabbit because my parents told me they made too much noise in the night.

I knew a few friends who had bunnies, and there was no doubt that those cuddly creatures were bounding with energy. Now, I don’t know if I could have ever kept up with one. I totally get where the idea for the Energizer Bunny came from!

One happy bunny named Billy (nicknamed “Billy the Bodacious Bunny” by his family) has more energy than even the famous drum-beating rabbit.

Billy, who lives in Chantilly, Virginia, loves to dance. He also has a whole lot of heart.

Billy’s human says that Billy “incorporates many different maneuvers into his daily routine,” and you can see quite a few of them in this video. Billy goes from running laps to running circles to performing near flips in the air.

With a bed as his stage, Billy the Bodacious Bunny may just blow professional dancers out of the water. I would say Billy is more dancer than he is bunny — maybe we should get him on America’s Got Talent!

Luckily, Billy’s human captured a whole dance routine on video. I would suggest they send this in as his audition tape.

Check out the video below (an entire routine to Mason Williams’ “Classical Gas”), and please Liked Video this adorable video with your friends and family on Facebook!
