Reasons of Abdominal Swelling And Possible Solutions


Abdominal swelling is a very unpleasant but at the same time widespread problem. But what causes it and how can you deal with it? Let’s try to clear things up.

1. Over nutrition

This is the most widespread reason due to which the abdominal swelling appears. You are probably acquainted with the feeling of heaviness in your stomach. If you want to avoid these unpleasant feelings, just eat small portions.

2. Heavy and fatty food


Fats are digested much longer despite proteins and starches. That’s why fatty food gives us not only the long feeling of saturation but also the abdominal swelling. For avoiding this, stop consuming fat meat, meat fried in oil and other products with high fat content.

3. Haste

Our brain starts to understand whether you had enough food or not only approximately 20 minutes later after you ate. That’s why you need to try to eat slower. Otherwise when the signal reaches your brain, it can be too late already. Eat thoughtfully, pay attention to the taste and structure of your meal. Maybe for you a conversation with your food will be useful, as when you talk, you can’t eat a lot and fast.

4. Artificial sweeting agents


The majority of artificial sweeting agents contain sorbitol and fructose. They are not digested completely and thus may cause the swelling. It is better to exclude the agents from your menu.

5. Whole grains


From one side, whole grains are the beneficial source of fiber. On the other hand, this very fiber can cause abdominal swelling. But for avoiding this, you shouldn’t obligatory get rid of the whole grains at all. You just need to drink enough water during the day. This method works because fiber starts to absorb water and thus easily moves down the digestive system.

6. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


Lots of people on Earth suffer from the IBS that is often accompanied with the abdominal swelling, ache and diarrhea. If you have been diagnosed this illness, the only way of excluding swelling is to stop eating whole grains, bread, oatmeal, crackers and cookies. Probably your doctor will prescribe you probiotics in the form of yogurt.

7. Flatulence


Of course, we are all humans and flatulence in bowels can happen with everyone. If this brings you unpleasant feelings, try to exclude from your menu such products as cabbage, broccoli, apples and beans. Doctors also advise to chew your food thoroughly to avoid flatulence.

8. Hormones


This problem often happens among pregnant women and during certain days of the cycle. This happens because of the hormone progesterone. Its level increases during menstruation or pregnancy. To get rid of swelling, experts advise to make physical exercises at least 30 minutes a day.
