Respectful Children: 4 Useful Tips For Parents


When your child is between ages 6 to 8, it can sometimes seem like they are very disrespectful and even downright rude. But the thing with this age is that they are simply testing your limits. They want to see how far they can push you. However, it is up to you to work on this behavior and show them the importance of respecting others. But do not overdo it, because sometimes parents use those words which can only harm children. Teach them by knowing these psychological features:

Here are four things you can do to encourage a more respectful behavior.

1. Practice What You Preach

No matter how old your child is, the best way to show them what’s right is to do the right thing yourself. If you cannot show your kid what respect looks like, how will they be able to imitate it with others? Not only should you show respect to others, you should also grant the same courtesy to your child. When they speak to you, take the time to listen. Remove distractions and focus on what they’re saying. If they feel heard, they will understand the importance of making others feel the same.

2. Teach Them Manners

During the first few years of your child’s life, they should be taught the right manners. By the age of 6 to 8, pleases and thank-yous should be second nature to them. Again, encourage this by doing the same with them. Make sure your child knows that politely asking for something is the only way they can get it from you.


3. Don’t Overreact

Because they want to exert their independence, your kid would often say really unpleasant things. Mostly, they just want to get a rise out of you. But your best bet, no matter how insulted you feel, is not to overreact. Calmly reiterate that calling people names is not allowed and that the only way they can get you to do something is to ask politely.

4. Set Limits

Discipline is an important part of raising kids. You should have ground rules in your house and there should be consequences for bad behavior, ranging from time-outs to temporarily taking away a beloved possession.


Ensure you teach your kids that they will fare better if they make requests politely and with respect. Yes, there will be disagreement, but never let it end with you giving into a disrespectful child.
