The Doctors Asked The Father To Stop “Torturing” His Daughter, But He Didn’t, And The MIRACLE Happened!


This story is sad but at the same time is happy because it ended well. And you should read about its details that will make you feel emotional.

It’s been 4 years since then, when in the family of Ruslan and Anastasia something happened, something they will never forget. It happened on December 31st.

The couple had two children. Radomir, 5 years old and Alesya, 3 years old. The parents were celebrating the New Year in one room, and the children were playing in the other. Suddenly the adults became suspicious because the children’s room was very silent…

The parents came into the room and found that their daughter wasn’t there. They searched for her around the house and found her… at the bottom of the pool! Not sure about what happened or what to do, Ruslan pulled his daughter out of the water as seen it in the movies. He began to push on her chest and performed CPR. When Anastasia saw her husband shaking over the lifeless body of their daughter, she fainted.

The grandparents of the girls were in the house too. They quickly called an ambulance. After half an hour of attempts to revive the child, the doctors began to fill out the paperwork registering the girl’s death. But the father did not give up.

He approached the body of his daughter and again began giving her an heart massage and practicing the artificial respiration. The doctors tried to pull him away, saying he was just “torturing” her. But then a miracle happened!
The father heard a faint heartbeat! Even though Alesya was alive she had no oxygen for 45 minutes and went into a coma. Everyone was worried about the possible brain damage. The girl woke up after two days, and the fears of brain damage were confirmed. She could not see, move nor speak.

But again a miracle happened!

Alesya was as stubborn and persistent as her father. The child used all of her strength to recover. A couple of weeks later she could see again and then she began to speak, becoming the same active girl, like before.

Sometimes it seems that the only option available to us is to surrender. This is the biggest mistake we could do, because you never give up! When no one believed in success, the girl’s father didn’t give up and was able to literally get his daughter back to life. This is admirable!

Never stop fighting, even if the whole world is screaming the opposite.
