This Days-Old Kitten Cleaning Itself Can’t Get Enough Of Its “Bath Time” — And This Is So Adorable!


When it comes to personal hygiene, cats are the epitome of cleanliness! Scientists say that kittens learn about hygiene and cleanliness through copying mama – who, we all know, knows best. A kitten starts self-cleaning at the age of 4 weeks.

Not long after, it begins to groom its siblings and also mama. This interesting process not only helps get the kitten clean, but also works to make everyone who watches it go ‘Awww’. Just look at this adorable kitten having its bath time! It is so teeny-tiny, but it still tries to lick its little paw and rub it over its ear. Sometimes, the kitten sticks out its pink tongue and excitedly throws its paws up into the air!

The little love clumsily rubs its ears the way its mama does and licks its belly in small strokes. So cute!  Watch this heartwarming video which, I guarantee, will make you smile from ear to ear.