This Lab Missed His Little Boy So Much, You Will Be Unable To Resist Saying “Aww!”


Our pawed friends notice when we are away and they miss us so much! That is why you hear uncontrollable barking when coming back home from work like blocks away. he-he! They really can sense you! My dog used to be so happy to see me, I was afraid she could explode any minute! :)

Dogs also get attached very quickly, so no wonder they easily fall in love with the newborn members of the family.

This video is a compilation of sweet short videos of affectionate dogs catching up with babies after some time of being apart.

Does your dog tolerate toddlers? Does it miss you and little ones when you are away? Share your sweet stories with us in the comment section!

Enjoy watching this cuteness and do not forget to share it with your friends and family!
