This vision test is so hard, only pilots pass it. If you manage it, you’ve got a pair of eagle eyes.


While some people are blind as bats, others might as well be flying overhead with birds of prey, spotting field-mice from a mile away, their eyes are so good. Those who belong to the first group should probably not be flying planes — maybe not even driving cars. They’re just too busy trying not to stumble over their own feet. (My whole family and I belong to this category.)

This vision test will reveal in a very special way whether you’re cut out to be a pilot.

At first you think, this’ll be a cinch. A few questions later comes disillusionment, followed by the bitter taste of defeat — unless of course your eyesight is as sharp as a 3-star Michelin-rated chef’s best kitchen knife. In that case: congratulations, and step this way, Captain!
