Tiny Killdeer Bird Rescued From A Pipe Finally Had A Chance For An Emotional Reunion With Its Parents


A YouTuber, Patrick Smith, heard peeping coming from the bush and found a tiny Killdeer there! It got stuck in a PVC pipe.

The kind-hearted fellow rescued the trapped birdie and noticed its parents were going crazy in the parking lot. So he bends forward and releases the baby Killdeer.

That family reunion will give you all the feels, trust us! Even the cameraman said: “It’s like one of the coolest things that ever happened to me!”

In the description to the video, Smith also encouraged people to donate or volunteer free time to local wildlife conservation groups and added: “even though it was okay for me to hold the baby bird in this specific circumstance, PLEASE do not pick up baby animals all willy-nilly because it will probably give them tiny little baby heart attacks and could possibly injure them. ” So keep that in mind!

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