Upset She Can’t Play Outside Because It’s Too Hot, Toddler Goes On Rant About Heat


Summer is all about spending time at the beach, enjoying the sunshine, and wearing shorts and dresses. But not everyone is a fan of the season.

Mila, a little girl from Arizona, has a lot to say about the hot weather in her home state. If you’re someone who prefers the coldness of winter over the sweltering heat of summer, you’ll probably relate to everything she has to say.

She starts her video with a sarcastic quip about thinking it’s wonderful that others can enjoy their summer while she’s stuck inside. As she puts it, she’ll “die of a heatstroke” if she ventures outdoors!

Burn easily? Yep, so does Mila. She says it only takes three minutes in the sun to get a burn. And don’t even mention clothes to her. “At the end of the day, we have to peel our clothes off,” she says.

Mila gets so desperate for cooler weather at home that she begs someone to talk to the weatherman. She also is convinced her parents are going to sell her because of how high the electricity bill is from running the air conditioning.

“Even my popsicle can’t keep it together,” she says. Anyone who lives in hotter-than-average weather has felt this sadness first-hand.

If you’re dreading the heat and can relate to Mila, please Liked Video this video with friends and family!
