You’re The Author Of Your Own Life Story



You’re the author of your own life story. You decide what goes into the story and what gets edited out. You also decide when one chapter begins and another ends. You know when something needs a little longer for the audience to understand. You know when something’s not quite right…when it doesn’t roll off the tongue the way it should.

This authorship of our own story is something we’re born with, and yet, so many of us seem to forget it along the course of our lives. We give other people our power. We take a backseat. We decide that somehow, someone else knows better — that they should be trusted above your own judgment. The thing is, when this happens, we lose a part of ourselves that’s hard to get back: our voice.

Don’t ever compromise your own authorship. Make sure the story you’re telling is yours to tell. Otherwise, you’re merely reading from someone else’s script. In that case, you can never be certain you won’t be written out. Stay true to your own narrative and hold on to your unique voice.




