12 Main Symptoms Of Thyroid Disorders That Are Often Ignored


We all know someone who doesn’t believe in seeking medical help until they are unable to stand upright. These are extreme cases, but the truth is, most of us are guilty of neglecting our health to some degree. Sadly, we tend not to listen to our body unless it is complaining very loudly. In some cases, however, the warning signs are very subtle, and only being attentive to smallest changes can help you prevent unpleasant consequences.

The thyroid is an extremely important organ. It is responsible for producing hormones, it regulates the body’s energy use, and affects just about every cell in the human body. Undiagnosed thyroid disorders can have grave consequences for many organs, including liver, bowels, reproductive system, heart and even brain. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and had a butterfly-like shape. So it is very important to keep this organ healthy. Here are some recommendations of how you can boost your thyroid:
Symptom 1. Depression.


Low levels of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) also lowers the levels of serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happinss. As a result you will be feeling sad and dejected. On the other hand, too high level of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) causes anxiety, restlessness and irritability.
Symptom 2: Constipation


If you can’t get rid of this digestive problem, there is a high chance your thyroid hormones are too low. This is, in fact, one of the three most common signs of hypothyroidism.

Symptom 3: Sleepiness


Mornings are tough, but if you are finding it completely impossible to crawl out of bed, this might be a warning sign. Hypothyroidism often causes sluggishness and sleepiness, while hyperthyroidims leads to sleep disorders.

Symptom 4: Dry skin and hair


Is your skin dry and flaky around the year? This is another sigh of hypothyroidism, often accompanied by increased brittleness of nails and hair. Hair loss should ring a warning bell as well.

Symptom 5: Sudden changes in weight


Sudden weight gain, however insignificant, should not be overlooked. Hypothyroidism lowers metabolism, so people suffering from it find it hard to lose weight even on a strict diet.

Symptom 6: Low libido


This is not a main symptom, but it often accompanies more serious problems.

Symptom 7: Muscle pain and weakness


It’s natural to feel pain if you’ve stubbed a toe or sprained a muscle at the gym, but if your entire body hurts without an obvious reason, it’s never a good sign.

Symptom 8: Heart palpitations


You might just be in love (and that’s awesome.) But the feeling of your heart skipping a beat might mean a thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism causes the heart rate to slow down, while hyperthyroidism leads to quickened hearbeat.

Symptom 9: Forgetfulness


We all forget things from time to time, but if it happens to you regularly, it might be a sign of hypothyroidism. Inability to concentrate, on the other hand, can be explained by high level of thyroid hormones.

Symptom 10: High blood pressure


If you have this problem and nothing seems to help, it’s quite possible that a thyroid disorder is behind it. If left untreated, these disorders may even lead to a heart attack.

Symptom 11: Irregular periods


Long and painful periods may be a sign of hypothyroidism. In case of hyperthyroidism the low level of TH leads to irregular periods which may vary in length.

Symptom 12: Changes in appetite


High levels of thyroid hormones may cause a person to feel hungry all the time. The only relative ‘advantage’ of this condition is that overeating won’t result in weight gain. As to hypothyroidism, it may lead to changes in taste and smell perception.
