19 Christmas DIYs For Beginners


We’re coming up on the best time of year for crafty people. Christmas provides plenty of opportunities, from decorating to baking to good, old-fashioned crafting, for people to get creative.

For more detailed instructions on each, click the link below each image.

1. Giant holly wall decoration

It doesn’t get much easier than this. All you really need is some red balloons and construction paper. You barely even need to read the instructions: Just blow up the balloons and cut the paper.

2. Popsicle stick Christmas trees

Popsicle sticks are awesome for kid-friendly crafts. This project is as simple as gluing the sticks together and then getting as creative as you want with paint and decorations.

3. Sliced wood ornaments

You can find these wood slices at any craft store, and they provide a great canvas for you or your kids to express your creativity. Paint them how you like and decorate the tree!


4. Pine cone Christmas trees

Time to go to that old crafting stanby, pine cones. Find some that are the right shape, apply some green paint, and you’ve got these cute little trees.
5. Paper towel roll stars

These elegant decorations look delicate and complicated, but they’re really not. Start with short lengths of paper towel rolls, decorate as you see fit and glue five of them together.


6. Paper towel roll Santa

Paper towel rolls to the rescue again! This awesome Santa decoration is made with one of the rolls, some red tissue paper, a ribbon, felt, and googly eyes.

7. Popsicle stick characters

The larger tongue depressors are best for these, but popsicle sticks also work. This kid-friendly DIY encourages creativity when it comes to developing your own popsicle stick character.

8. Santa going down the chimney

This cute little cut-and-paste craft requires little more than cardboard, scissors, some markers and a sense of fun. They’d look great near the tree or in a classroom.


9. Hot chocolate buddy

This little DIY won’t last long, but that’s the point! It’s a fun and easy twist on putting marshmallows in hot chocolate. You’ll want something like this for those cold December nights!
10. Quick and easy Christmas tree balls

The instructions in this YouTube video are easy to follow and give you these adorable snowmen with winter caps to hang on your tree.


11. Burlap reindeer ornaments

Burlap is a fun, visually interesting material that’s full of texture and easy to find. These cute little reindeer are made using a bit of burlap and a couple of accessories.

12. Paint chip Christmas cards

Why buy expensive cards when you can make your own? These fun and stylish cards are made by cutting free paint chips into pointy tree shapes.
13. Mini winter hat ornaments

These look complicated, but all you need is some paper towel tubes, yarn and pom poms. Wrap the yarn around the tubes, tie it together, push it up and top with a pom pom!


14. Candy sleighs

If you’re like me and value candy above all else, these are perfect. Basically, accumulate a bunch of appropriately-shaped and colored candy, make a «sled», and gorge yourself!
15. Melted peppermint candy ornaments

This cute project is super simple: Put peppermint candies into cookie cutters, melt them in the oven on parchment paper, and you’re left with these super-Christmassy ornaments!


16. Fingerprint ornaments

These classic ornaments are a great way to remember your little one’s early years. All you need is some modeling clay (or even cookie dough!), a cookie cutter and — of course — fingerprints.
17. Mini cinnamon stick trees

I love this one. Cut up a garland, add a couple of buttons, and attach to a short length of cinnamon stick. These will make everything smell warm and Christmassy.


18. Yarn-wrapped trees

Yarn is a great way to add texture and color to a variety of crafts. These little trees are shown on a tree, but they can be displayed in all sorts of different ways.
19. Ribbon tree

For how elegant this one looks, it’s not a whole lot of work. Just glue together some short lengths of ribbon and then attach them to a cardboard cone from the hobby store.
Let us know which of these you’ll be trying this holiday season!
