8 Clean-Air Plants That Can Be Grown In Homes


In the late’ 80s, NASA scientists conducted a study on houseplants and their properties to clean the air in spaceships. The results were surprising! They discovered that some plants might filter out common volatile organic compounds. Then, other researchers have fully proven it. And fortunately, we can use this space-age solution in our homes too.

Here are the best houseplants to purify the air.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe is well known for its amazing properties, so people have been using it for thousands of years to heal wounds and treat skin conditions. In early Egypt, aloe vera was called “the plant of immortality.” Beyond its anti-inflammatory qualities, this houseplant is a great way to clean the air in the home. It helps clear benzene and formaldehyde that can be released into indoor air from paints and cleaners.
2. Peace lily

Peace lily isn’t only a beautiful plant, but it has amazing air-cleaning abilities. It may remove such pollutants as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. It also is a great option for beginners because peace lilies are easy to grow. But remember that those flowers contribute floral scents to the air, so that you may don’t like it.

3. Snake plant


Snake plant (sometimes called mother-in-law’s tongue) is effective at removing xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. And the best thing is that it is one of the hardest plants to kill.
4. Spider plant


This plant is a smart choice if you haven’t a lot of time for your house. It is so easy to grow spider plants, and at the same time, it is almost impossible to kill them. The spider plant fights benzene, carbon monoxide, and xylene.

5. Wax begonia


Wax begonia is a bright and flowering plant that is capable to adorn an interior of any house. This plant may clear the indoor air from benzene and other chemicals, according to the recent research.

6. Bamboo plant

Bamboo plant is just a superstar of clearing out pollutants in your indoor air. It filters formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. A bamboo plant can grow very quickly to a large size to clear so much air.

7. Dracaena

There are many different types of Dracaena plants in the world, so it is not hard to choose one that is the best option for your house or office. It removes many pollutants, but be aware that its leaves are toxic to pets.

8. Garden mum

According to the NASA research, garden mum is a super champion when it comes to the purification of air. It removes benzene, ammonia, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air in your house. It is relatively cheap and has beautiful flowers. You may also plant garden mums outside to decorate your backyard.
