8-Month-Old Girl Gets Pulled Over By The Police While Driving. This Is Too Cute


Getting pulled over for a traffic offence isn’t usually what one would call a fun experience, but this little girl’s story will leave you with a wide grin on your face.

A little girl named Reagan got to experience what it was like being questioned by a police officer while driving.

The 8-month-old was cruising around happily in her new toy car which she received as an Easter present. Things were going well and the cutie was giggling happily when she got pulled over by a cop.

In the adorable photo posted on Facebook by the Philadelphia Police, we can see little Reagan looking quite sober as she was interrupted. The precious picture has since gone viral online and many agree that it is simply too cute to handle. Seeing the officer lean down to interrogate the young lady was just awesome.

What was her offence? Well, sneaky little Reagan was driving with an open container in her vehicle. She claimed the water bottle was not hers but the officer was not sold. Fortunately, she was let go with a warning.

A video detailing the experience has also gone viral on Youtube with over a million views. There is no way this would not put a smile on your face. Watch below.
