A Rich Customer Called His Checkout Cashier Dumb, How He Reacted Inspires Us To Believe In Humanity


The premise that the customer is always right sometimes isn’t always understood everywhere and some customers take advantage to offend the people serving them. A girl worked in the afternoons as a checkout cashier to pay for her university studies. She had also just left her sick son at her parents’ house to not miss work, when something terrible happened to her.

Her shift was going normally until a wealthy, elegant looking woman appeared. Unfortunately, money can’t buy manners. The woman was accompanied by her little daughter and from the beginning, threw the items she was buying. She never responded to the girl’s polite greeting and threw some coupons at her.

Despite her rude attitude, the checkout employee happily scanned the items and coupons, when she realized one of them was already expired. She told the customer in the most polite way, but she then began to get stressed and shout at the employee. When a solution wasn’t reached, the woman asked to talk with the supervisor.


While they waited for the supervisor, the woman turned to her daughter, with the intention of offending the employee, and said: “Do you see why I make you study? So you don’t end up a failure like this woman, being a checkout worker at a supermarket.” The supervisor heard the conversation, when he approached to confirm the validity of the coupons.


He told the woman that her coupon was expired, he took the items out of the bags, asked her to leave and never return to the store. He wasn’t about to let anyone offend his employees. All we can do is applaud the supervisor’s attitude. I wish all bosses were like that!
