Dad of the Bride Stops Wedding for Incredibly Selfless Act


Parents can have their disputes, but they must overcome them for the sake of their children. Brittany Peck’s biological father stopped daughter’s wedding ceremony… He just wanted to invite her stepfather to join them in their walk down the aisle. This was really amazing gesture that none of them will ever forget.

“He came up to me, reached out and grabbed my hand and he said ‘hey, you’ve worked for this as hard as I have, you deserve this as much as I do,’” stepdad Todd Cendrosky told.


Todd Cendrosky had no idea about biological father Todd Bachman’s plans.


“What better way to thank somebody than to assist me walking our daughter down the aisle?” biological dad, Todd Bachman, said.


“I got weak in the knees and everything, I couldn’t have had anything better in my life, It was the most important thing in my life,” stepdad said.

“It hasn’t always been peaches and cream by any stretch of the imagination,” said dad, but it looks like it was on the day that mattered most!

