Dog Falls Asleep Waiting For Santa – Wakes Up to Find His Christmas Wish Came True


I never thought that a dog can have wishes for the Christmas season until I saw the clip below.

The dog owner had been very happy with him for having been disciplined the whole year even though there were times when she would be furious at him for doing silly things like stepping on the new carpets with mud.

In the clip below, we see this Jack Russell Terrier mix breed trying to clean up and put his kennel in order. Even though we can see clearly that his little house is well organized, it is not hard to realize that there is something that this dog is worried of.

As time goes by, he gets impatient and starts to look in all directions including the sky, making it clear for us to realize that he is eagerly waiting for someone who definitely is Santa Claus. What a preparation to receive the Santa as this pup goes ahead to set up some biscuits and milk for him when he arrives.

Tired of waiting, the pup gets impatient and munches some cookies, and in a short time, he takes a siesta. When Santa comes and finds him asleep, he does something that will make you smile!
