Dog Owner Finds Hot Dogs Stuffed With Razor Blades In Her Yard


A woman from Regina, Saskatchewan found two pieces of a hot dog stuffed with razor blades after she let her dogs out in her backyard. She was lucky to have found them before her pooches got to them.

After finding the hot dog pieces, Emma Medeiros took to Facebook to post a video about the incident. She also contacted the police and her local Humane Society. She warns fellow pet owners to keep an eye out for the things their furry friends might pick up from the ground.

“I’m not sure where to post this but I took my fur babies out […] this morning and happened to notice some hot dog in my yard, which is very unusual,” Emma wrote on the Facebook video, “So I went up to the pieces and it turns out there’s a bunch of razor blades in each piece. I’m located on 6th and Queen so anyone around me, PLEASE CHECK YOUR YARDS!”

The story was soon picked up by the local news including CBC and Global News. During an interview, Emma recalls how afraid she felt of what could have happened. “It would cut them from their mouths all the way to their stomach. They would bleed, like, it could have poison in it,” she said.

Bill Thorn, a spokesperson for the Regina Humane Society, said that they hear of one or two similar incidents per year. Usually, the food is laced with poison or dangerous objects, and the pets rarely die from eating it.
However, local police said that if Emma’s dogs had eaten the hot dog, the perpetrator would have faced animal cruelty charges. People who commit these crimes are rarely caught unless the pet owner knows the perpetrator personally or sees them committing the crime.

Emma told CBC News that the incident shocked her. She now goes everywhere with her dogs, “every minute of the day.”


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Im not sure where to post this but I took my fur babies out for a peee this morning and happened to notice some hot dog in my yard, which is very unusual. So i went up to the pieces and it turns out theres a bunch of razor blades in each piece…. im located on 6th & queen so anyone around me, PLEASE CHECK YOUR YARDS!!!!

Posted by Emma Medeiros on Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017
