Female Army Captain Collapses On Ground, But Millions Are Floored By How The Soldiers Treat Her


Some people think they let just about anyone into the military. However, as you’ll see in the following video, only the strongest, most hardworking, and dedicated soldiers rise to the top of the ranks.

In this next clip, we meet U.S. Army Captain Sarah Cudd of Public Health Command, Fort Knox.

Cudd was one of 46 candidates to earn the Expert Field Medical Badge, an honor given to military medical personnel who complete a set of grueling written and physical tests. The last part of the test includes an exhausting 12-mile road march, in which candidates are tasked with a completing a tactical foot march within three hours, all the while wearing their extremely heavy fatigues and carrying a large pack and rifle.

As you will see in the video, Cudd is exhausted from the day and collapses mere feet from the finish line. But what happens next is just incredible.

Of the 45 soldiers who attempted the EFMB, Cudd was one of the few that refused to give up. She’s an inspiration for each and every one of us.

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