Foster Mom Takes 3 Kids To Walmart, Gets To Young Cashier In Line And Says, ‘I’m Sorry’


Nick Tate works as a cashier at the Walmart in Newcastle, Oklahoma. The 20-year-old is known as one of the most friendly and talkative staff members there, always asking customers about their day and showing compassion for everyone around him.

Recently, Nick was working his evening shift on a busy Friday when a foster mother came through his line with two little girls and a baby. The pair of toddlers were getting out-of-control as the mom struggled to wrangle them. Meanwhile, the line behind her kept getting longer and longer.

She could feel strangers staring and judging. But the second she found herself standing in front of Nick, he simply looked at her and said, “One of those days?”

The foster mom immediately apologized, as if she had done something wrong. Then she pulled out a WIC card, which provides assistance for low-income families with children.

“I’ve never used WIC before,” she told Nick. “I don’t know how it’s going to go.” The last thing she wanted to do was hold up the line any longer.

After running the card several times, Nick realized the woman’s card was not working.

But then Nick did something that made the woman break down in tears… and after she stood there trying to process it, she took to Facebook to tell the world.

Watch the video below to see why Nick will never forget this grateful customer, and please Liked Video this with your friends on Facebook!
