Garth Brooks Spots Woman Holding Sign, After Reading It He Instantly Walks Off Stage


Most of us, in our time, have really looked forward to going to see our favorite band or musician live in concert. We got the tickets months in advance and counted down the days until the big show.

What could be worse than getting sick and not being able to go? Well, after this brave and courageous lady who attended a Garth Brooks concert at the Target Center in Minneapolis, people may think twice if they’re struggling with a cold or feeling a little under the weather.


Theresa Shaw, who was battling stage 3 breast cancer, attended the concert that night, but earlier that day she had chemotherapy. If that’s not dedication, then I don’t know what is.

What makes this even more astonishing is that at the concert, Garth himself noticed a sign she was holding which read “Chemo this morning, Garth tonight enjoying the dance“. He then quickly stepped off the stage to meet Theresa, and continue his performance directly to her; to top it off he even gave her his guitar.


It’s almost impossible not to get emotional during this amazing video. What makes this story even better is that after she was given the all clear she attended another one of his concerts and took a sign that read “I kicked cancer’s ass. Still enjoying the dance!”

You can watch the video below and if you liked it please Liked Video it with your friends.
