Lemon Trees At Home: How To Choose, Germinate, And Plant A Lemon Seed To Grow A Perfect Tree


Growing a lemon tree at home is like a big adventure: you can watch how it transforms from a tiny seed into a strong, beautiful plant with countless leaves, magnificent flowers, and, of course, delicious fruits. Lemons are rich in the vitamin C and can be used for various purposes, starting from cooking to making craft beauty products. And while growing a lemon tree may seem to be a challenging task, the following step-by-step guide will help you reach your goal faster.

1. Pick the right seed

Finding the perfect seed is the first and most important step. It should be big, heavy, and undamaged. Also, it would be better to plant up to 10 seeds at one time because there is always a chance that some of the seeds won’t sprout, or the seedling will be too weak.

The seeds should be cleaned before you put them into the soil. Your goal is to remove that slimy coating from the seeds, so they won’t rot. Just wash the seed in a water and then dry it up with a paper towel.

2. Prepare pot and soil

Lemon trees require a well-draining soil. A pasteurized soil mix is the best option as it is free from any bacteria.


Choose the size of the pot depending on how many seeds you are going to plant. For a sole seed, a small pot about 4 inches wide and 6 inches deep will do it just fine. And make sure that your pot has a few drainage holes on the bottom to prevent the roots from rotting.

3. Plant the seed

Once you fill the pot with the soil, water it until the medium is damp, then make a hole about a ½ inch deep using a pencil or your finger. Drop the prepared seed on the bottom of the hole, the pointy tip of it facing downward, and cover it up with the soil.

Place the pot somewhere warm and sunny. Cover it with a piece of plastic to keep the warmth and moisture inside and make a few tiny holes in the plastic for a better air circulation. Water the lemon seed every time you see the soil becoming dry. Once you see the first sprouts of the future tree, you can remove the plastic.

4. Be patient

When you’ve got the seedlings, it is only a matter of time and proper care before they will grow into a mature tree. Water your tiny lemons at least twice a week, provide them with nutrients, and make sure they receive enough of the sunlight.

And be patient: it will take a few years before your lemon tree will start producing fruits. Also, keep in mind that some trees may not give any fruits at all. If this happens, enjoy their beauty as it is and consider trying to grow a lemon tree one more time.
