Mom Loses House Because Of Hefty Medical Bills. Then, Her Son Takes Her For A Ride On Mother’s Day And Brings Her To Tears With These Words…


Michael Luangrath from Las Vegas uploaded this moving video to YouTube of his Mother’s Day surprise: he bought his mom a brand new house.

The description of the video reads:

“For years, one of the goals of mine was always to provide my mother with something she worked so hard for and lost. Las Vegas was one of the hardest hit city in the economic downturn, and my mother ended up losing her home. This is the first house I ever purchased and I wanted to give my mother a home before myself because she deserves it the most. Its been a long time coming and I just wanted to share this special moment with you.”
Michael’s mom faced lots of difficulties on her way: she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and left with crazy medical bills after fighting it off. Then, she was forced to sell her house and work for 30 years without a vacation to make ends meet.

That is why, the loving son decided to surprise his mother with this special gift:

“This was in honor of all the mothers out there that work their hearts out. Your children see that and will reward you dearly for everything you have done.”
Please, Liked Video this video with your friends and family!
