The story began when this brazilian police officer saw the dog named Julie, who lived in the neighborhood, seaching through the street trash. She seemed anxious by something she had found which at first looked like a dead cat. When the policeman came close, he understood that Julie was trying to save a little puppy that someone had abandoned in the trash.
The man immediately called Marco Antonio Rodrigues, an animal rights activist in Novo Horizonte, Brazil. It is Marco who told this sad story about human cruelty on his Facebook page. Though he took care of the little dog, he pointed out that Julie had been the hero of the story.
Unfortunately, the puppy was too young and could only be fed with breastmilk. Julie, who had rescued him, was not lactating, therefore he decided to look for a foster mother who could produce milk to feed the baby. And he did it! The dog called Lupi took the puppy like he was her own.
For now, Chaplin (the name Rodriguez gave to the puppy) is slowly recovering. This wondeful story of dogs that saved a little baby dog, inhumanely tossed away by a terrible person, shows us that animals are sometimes more human than men themselves.