Rainbow Mountains With Seven Colors? They Do Exist!


The colored mountains do exist and they are located in the south of Peru. When we look at these pictures, we might think that they’ve been manipulated with Photoshop, while it is actually mother nature’s work.

These mountains are located not far from the city of Cuzco. Such effect of different colours is made possible by the accumulation of different sedimentary layers over thousands of years . The iron oxid creates the red color, copper creates green and sulfur creates yellow.


These mountains are still rarely visited. The local shepherds take very good care of this unique place and they show it only to a privileged few.

However, more and more tourists are discovering the region and, who knows, perhaps in a few years from now, this place will become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world!

Partez dans le sud du Pérou, découvrir cette sublime montagne arc-en-ciel ! ???

Posted by Jetlag on Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2017
