Friends are some of the most influential people in a person’s life. I personally learned many important things from my friends.
Some things that come to mind are how to spell the word “Wednesday,” how to shave my legs without losing a dangerous amount of blood, and most importantly, how to think about someone besides myself.
I’ll admit that I take my friends for granted from time to time, but the truth is that I’d be nowhere without them. Not only would I not be able to spell all of the days of the week, I also wouldn’t know how to experience joy.
The following quotes remind me of how lucky I am to have the people I have in my life. Hopefully, they will remind you of how lucky you are too.
We all depend on friendship
This is when you know
I need these dogs all the time!
Lend a helping hand
The best thing to hold onto is your best friend
Sometimes presence is the only present you need
Remember to Liked Video these messages about friendship with your friends on Facebook!