Science Confirms Left-Handers Are Different And EXCEPTIONAL


While it’s already common knowledge that left-handed individuals are rarer than right-handed individuals, you might not be aware that new evidence suggests such a trait is actually an exceptional quality.

As recently as 20 years ago, being left-handed was seen as something of a disadvantage. It was even believed that left-handed people wouldn’t live as long or that they’d injure more easily. According to a new study, everything we thought we knew about left-handedness may have been completely backwards. Here are some advantages the study found left-handers can be proud to claim.

We don’t know why left-handers exist
Even with the vast amount of research that has been done, modern science can not explain what causes a person to be born left-handed. Some believe it’s passed on genetically, while others believe it’s hormonal in nature.


The exact population density of left-handers is unknown
You might have heard the estimation that left-handers make up about 10 percent of humanity, but that number isn’t entirely accurate. In fact, various studies have placed the density between 5 percent and 26 percent.

Left-handed people are better athletes
40 percent of the top tennis players in the world are left-handed. Just over a quarter of all MLB players are also left-handed.

Left-handers have always been around
In the past, it was thought that left-handedness was some sort of condition or disease. Left-handed children were punished for not writing with their right hand. However, it has never been eradicated from society.

Left-handed people are better problem solvers
Some scientists think there is a connection to left-handedness and lateral thinking. If that is the case, it would explain why science and art attract a disproportionate number of left-handers.

Scientists can accurately predict an unborn baby’s handedness
When performing an ultrasound, doctors can see if they baby is sucking their left or right thumb. Obviously, right-handed babies suck their right thumb, while the rest suck their left thumb.

The majority of left-handed people are born at the beginning of summer or end of spring
Many studies have shown that most left-handed people are born in the months following March but before July. That would mean most left-handed babies are conceived during the months between June and October.
