Shocking News! People Who Have RH Negative Blood Type Might Have Come From Aliens!


The quantity of the proteins within our blood affects its type. There four of them O, AB, B, and A.

You’ll be shocked to learn that blood type with negative rhesus factor which was recently discovered might mean you have alien DNA.

Recent studies uncovered that such blood types do not have a monkey gene that almost all people have.

Therefore, in so much as we all evolved from monkeys, how come some of us do not have this gene?!

About 15 % of the earth population can brag they have negative rhesus blood type! And now the great brainsof the world keep wondering: where did this unorthodox blood type come from?!

Some scientists even made a conclusion aliens have something to do with it!

At any rate, we can name some facts about these mysterious people: they are green or blue-eyed; as a rule, they are fair-haired and most importantly, they are very smart.
