This happened in Germany. One day, two friends went for a walk in the forest and found two strange pipes sticking out of the ground. When they were little children, they often played in this forest, but they were strictly forbidden to come close to those pipes.
There were rumors about some underground bunker, but no one knew if that was true. So, the curious teenagers began to explore the area around the pipes trying to find the entrance. Finally, they found an old iron door. The guys took a deep breath and walked in.
This is how the inhospitable door looked like.
The lock was broken, so it was easy for them to enter. What they saw inside cannot be forgotten!
Right away, the guys ended up in a long corridor, which looked like those in old hospitals.
There were also another corridors on the sides, but they went down the main one.
What they saw was horrible. They made it over the pile of bricks.
But the corridor seemed endless.
Then they saw a sign “Hilfe”, which means “Help”!
Suddenly, a yellow door appeared in front of them…
The guys hoped it was an exit from the bunker, but it lead to a great number of doors.
The smell was terrible.
Some rooms were flooded.
When they saw a pile of trash that looked like a human figure in the dark, they started running away.
They passed one more flooded corridore…
… and spotted a strange machine.
They also saw a shoe which looked like a pointe…
… and a sign “Turn On Remotely”.
They went through a “yellow submarine”…
… and there was the second exit! The teens took it as a rescue.