They Were Friends And Comapions In Life, Now The Dog Remains Faithful To His Master Even In Death!


U. S. Marine Sergeant Adam Leigh Cann died at the age of 23. Adam covered his friends also Marines and his military dog Bruno with his body to protect from the bombing attack. All this happened in 2003, in Afghanistan.

The people and the dog survived, but Adam died. Adam Leigh Cann received the Bronze Star for Valor posthumously.

After recovering from the injuries Bruno had got in the attack, he visited Adam’s grave. The dog was heavily mourning his friend’s death and refused to go. So, Leigh’s friends took the responsibility to bring the poor pup to the Cann’s grave almost every day. And they kept their promise!


Bruno died in 2011. We all would like to hope these two close friends met each other somewhere there, in heaven!


May you rest in peace, great heroes!


Credit: in loving memory. facebook

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