This Amazing Girl Really Touched My Heart. Being So Small She Is So Courageous


Hannah Kritzeck is a primordial dwarf. She is 18 years old but everybody thinks she is only 5. Though Hannah is so small, she is the same like all the other people in the world. And may be better, since she strives to realize all her dreams and become a star.

Hannah is very good at dancing and singing. She has a total control of her body making dancing tricks whereof not every person is capable of. One of Hannah’s life-time dreams is to have her own family – a husband and children. Her mother is always by her side, constantly supporting her small daughter and helping her with the dreams realization.

Primordial dwarfism is a very rare phenomenon and it is still not well studied by scientists and doctors. It is quite a severe problem since lack of knowledge results in faulty diagnosis during health examinations. Another sad problem with primordial dwarfs is that they hardly live past the age of 30 since they suffer some vascular and other types of health disorders.

Do you like this cheerful girl who goes to her dreams no matter what? Isn’t her life inspiring for everybody? Please, Liked Video this video and help Hannah become a star.
