Three Foolproof Tests To Check If Cinnamon Is Real Or Fake


Lately, a product imported from China has arrived onto our shelves which isn’t quite the same that we’ve known for centuries… We’re talking about cinnamon.

This spice is obtained from inside the Cinnamomum tree. It used to be a very valuable, rare, and expensive product. But now it’s available to everyone, and many countries export it.

Today we’ll show you three tests to check whether the cinnamon you bought is real or a fake import from China, which can be harmful to the body.
1. Production location


Originally, cinnamon comes from countries such as Egypt, Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil, and the Caribbean. The fake version comes mainly from China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

2. Color and taste


Real cinnamon has a light reddish or brown color and an intense, smoother flavor. The fake version has a bright reddish or dark brown color, as well as a strong, spicy taste.
3. Coumarin


This is the main difference between real and fake cinnamon. Coumarin is an anticoagulant which, when consumed in excess, can lead to serious health problems. Real cinnamon contains much less coumarin than other kinds of cinnamon. And since there is a daily limit for inducing that compound, fake cinnamon can be really harmful to your health.



When you buy cinnamon, check to make sure it’s organic. The label should indicate that it comes from Cinnamomum Verum or Ceylon cinnamon, and check to make sure the sticks are in circular curls.

Did you find this information useful? Tell us any other tips we can use to help tell the difference between real and fake cinnamon.
