9 More Optical Illusions Which Will Make You Question Your Mind. #6 Is Just Wow!


We are off again to our regular posts about fooling our brain. I sure hope you are still up for these kind of posts because visual illusions never cease to be amazing on their own. Similar to the infamous dress incident last year, here are classic photos which will make you think – more than twice.

Here are some dosage to make your brain confused! Good luck decoding these images.

Is this a picture of a duck or rabbit?


The pace of changing your perception depends on the level of your creativity.

How many faces do you see in this tree?


Believe it or not, there are twelve faces.

Are there three or four squares in this photo?


None. This is an impossible problem to begin with.

How many people do you see in this photo?


Can you find them? There are actually nine people there!

What animal do you see in the shrubs?


It is initially a frog until you rotate this photo.

Do you see six toy soldiers?


There is only one real soldier. The other five are only amazing 3-D drawings.

The train is moving.


Question, which of the two is the real one?

There’s a coffee table!


Or none, according to this savvy commercial.

It is a cube, isn’t it?


Wait until it you change your perspective in this photo.
