After Everyone Saw This Little Boy Sleeping On Cardboard In The Street, His Poor Family Was Finally Able To Get Public Housing


This photo of a little boy was taken in Kyrgyzstan. He was sleeping on cardboard in one of the country’s markets. Someone took his picture and posted it on Facebook along with pretty angry comments asking why such a little boy had to help his mother instead of going to kindergarten. These pictures raised many debates and journalists decided to go and see what was happening in his family, and why the boy was in the street. As they found out, the boy was two years old and lived with his mother and three siblings. Their 35 year-old mother had to raise the kids by herself. Their father had gone to live abroad to make a living but had never come back and had abandoned them. For that reason, the mother, called Zulfia, had to find work on her own — she sometimes worked at temp jobs that she could find. The family had no place to live.

Ordinary people and journalists took this story to the government of the country. The president ordered that the family should be taken care of. Soon, the family got the key to their three bedroom apartment. The money for this generous gift was taken from the president’s personal funds.

Luckily, this little boy’s family got some help. We hope that more people and above all more politicians will be able to help those in need.
