Patrick Swayze Compliments Whitney Houston’s Talent By Splendid Dancing With His Wife


For the first time on international television and for the first time with his wife Patrick Swayze danced to Whitney Houston’s performance of “All The Man That I Need” at the World Music Awards in 1994.

Lisa Niemi and Patrick Swayze were married for 34 years until Patrick died in 2009. When Patrick was alive, they starred together in various films, they danced together and she was also his director. Their amazing love story found one of its reflections in this dance.

A husband and wife move around the stage as if levitating. It seems like Lisa doesn’t even touch the ground with her light legs. She’s flying in strong Patrick’s arms. Such a touching performance may not leave anyone emotionless.

Patrick’s death took a great actor, talented dancer and a simply a good person from us. His fans suffer a great loss that cannot be redeemed. Let memories about you live long, Patrick.

Patrick Swayze passed away but his creative works will forever stay with us. Please, Liked Video this amazing dance with your friends in the memory of the outstanding artist.
